26 Things I’ve Learnt This Year – Anxiety Tips, Friendships, Single Life

Birthdays are incredible. They are my favourite occasion of the year (apart from our Danish-themed Christmas celebrations!). I love birthdays – they are a celebration of life, provide the opportunity for a new year and start, and bring a cleanse to my life. 

In the lead-up to my birthday, I always journal, set new intentions, reflect and clear my space. I treat it as a new start – maybe that’s my inner Virgo?! But I LOVE IT. 

I only look back at the past to see how far I’ve come, what I won’t tolerate anymore and to make positive changes for the future. If you looked back at your year, is there anything you would change? What have you achieved? Name 5 positives, GO!

Here are the 26 things I’ve learned this year.

1. Some friends are for a season, a reason or a lifetime.

2. Learn to let go and move on when something isn’t meant for you.

3. Good things are always around the corner.

4. Being kind goes a long way.

5. Things can change in 24 hours. Be grateful for every moment.

6. Being single is amazing. It’s better than being with someone who’s not your person.

7. Your mental health is worth more than any job.

8. My Nana gives the best advice, cuddles and tells the best jokes.

9. You must believe in yourself, otherwise, others won’t.

10. Counting your blessings helps with the struggles of life.

11. Being ghosted isn’t a big deal, it just makes way for better and bigger things.

12. Focusing on yourself is the best investment you’ll ever make.

13. Focusing on ‘the now’ is the most productive thing you can do.

14. Sleep is underrated.

15. Fitness, nature and movement = my saviour.

16. Never forget your worth. Stay true to yourself.

17. You’ll never be too much for the wrong person.

18. You’ll know when a guy is interested in you = you won’t be left confused.

19. Family is everything.

20. Love deeply. Share deeply. Laugh deeply.

21. Never change to suit someone else’s ideal.

22. Moving my body is non-negotiable.

23. Laughing is the best medicine ever.

24. People will let you down, but don’t take it personally, we’re all human.

25. Be grateful that you discovered someone’s true colours – they weren’t your people.

26. I haven’t experienced some of my happiest days yet – there’s still more to come! 🤩

Here’s to number 26, moving house, changing careers and leaping into the next chapter of my life! – happy, healthy and confident 💜

What a whirlwind it’s been. Navigating single life, deciding to move house, passing my driving test, being confident enough to leave my old career behind and finally taking some time off for me. It’s been a long time coming. I’ve compiled a collection of images below from my birthday, I hope you love them!

Grateful always.

All my love,

Jessica xxx

mental health blogger
mental health blogger
mental health blogger
mental health blogger
mental health blogger

Hey! My name is Jess Ward – I was 15 when I first experienced bullying and depression. 10 years on and I am now a multi-award-winning mental health blogger. Positively Jessica Ward is a blog and location for all things positive. Magnetic colour, mouthwatering recipes and infectious positivity!

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